Sunday, December 13, 2009

Free Ativan In Ottawa Has Anyone With Type 1 Bipolar Ever Been Able To Completely Get Off Meds And Remain Symptom Free?

Has anyone with type 1 bipolar ever been able to completely get off meds and remain symptom free? - free ativan in ottawa

I am on Lamictal 300 mg
Ativan 2 mg
1 xenical mg

I have a chance?

What were your methods? Any tips?


Jimmy C said...

I've never been bipolar, but worked with people with mental illness. No, I'm not a doc.
Proposal would be to obtain other types of therapies, including meditation and self-help books, heal your mind and life.
Trauma in childhood can be a major cause of menatl disease, but can be helped by therapy.
In addition, the foods have a significant effect on moods. Vitamins B and all sorts of other people, plus a healthy diet and exercise are good for the mind and body.
I believe that this condition is not as long as they are identified and altered to do the work. You can search online and in libraries. Meanwhile, keep taking the tablets.

WΘMBAT is Sparky said...

My advice:

1) Do not stop taking your pills. I can assure you from experience that bad things will happen.

2) What is your question is are psychiatric counseling. None of us here are psychiatrists.

In other words: * Talk with your doctor before * / taking your medications! Yahoo! The answers are not trained to give such advice!

Comes (note: I've heard that is a failure of a big problem with Bipolar.The the patient into a manic phase, and you feel need their medicine. Then, crash and suffer from severe depression, think and do, that "there is no difference ").

WΘMBAT is Sparky said...

My advice:

1) Do not stop taking your pills. I can assure you from experience that bad things will happen.

2) What is your question is are psychiatric counseling. None of us here are psychiatrists.

In other words: * Talk with your doctor before * / taking your medications! Yahoo! The answers are not trained to give such advice!

Comes (note: I've heard that is a failure of a big problem with Bipolar.The the patient into a manic phase, and you feel need their medicine. Then, crash and suffer from severe depression, think and do, that "there is no difference ").

WΘMBAT is Sparky said...

My advice:

1) Do not stop taking your pills. I can assure you from experience that bad things will happen.

2) What is your question is are psychiatric counseling. None of us here are psychiatrists.

In other words: * Talk with your doctor before * / taking your medications! Yahoo! The answers are not trained to give such advice!

Comes (note: I've heard that is a failure of a big problem with Bipolar.The the patient into a manic phase, and you feel need their medicine. Then, crash and suffer from severe depression, think and do, that "there is no difference ").

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