Friday, January 29, 2010

Partial Disability Pictures Why Are Prison Inmates Given Classes On How To Fill Out And Submit For Mental Disability Payments?

Why are prison inmates given classes on how to fill out and submit for mental disability payments? - partial disability pictures

I have in the past three detainees live in a small town in Ohio that anyone says to me that this fact. All three have been approved before release. Two of the three Total-an intellectual disability and the third the mentally handicapped. All orders have started to receive one months after discharge. These three men are at the age of 24, 28 and 32 Is there something wrong with this picture? DUH!


rickinno... said...

Because if you are mentally retarded have a hard time finding work. There are no jobs and no benefits, you know what? Back to the crime.


It is much cheaper to pay someone to their home to pay SSD in prison.


gromit80... said...

There are a large number of prisoners who actually mentally retarded. The prison became a dumping ground for the mentally ill, as many hospitals closed.

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